I wish I had a picture to go with this post, but I don't. I'll explain why in a minute. Is anything private anymore? I am always surprised how little privacy people need to take care of what I believe to be "personal business". A couple of years ago I was surprised when the massage people started setting up in the middle of the mall. Then came the hair straightening people to join them in the kiosk next door. It is always strange for me to see people getting groomed or the kinks in their backs knocked out as hundreds of people stroll by them in the mall and stare. In a way, I have just grown accustomed to it over the past year. I know that I can buy a cell phone cover, straighten my hair, and get a neck massage in just 10 strides if I want to. YESTERDAY WAS THE TOPPER. It seemed to happen over night, but now the teeth whitening people have arrived and they are set up in the busiest part of the center of the mall. No partitions, curtains, cubbies, nothing. They set up several dentist chairs and dentist lights and you can now get your teeth whitened with the mall traffic watching! And people actually do it! The attendents slap huge sunglasses on people, slather their teeth with some gunk, and then direct a MAJOR blue florescent light onto your teeth. I couldn't believe it. I saw people reclined in a dentist chair doing this. They stay there for more than a half an hour (I heard someone getting a consultation). I am not against teeth whitening, in fact, I have been wanting to do it. I just don't want people other than the professionals providing the service to be watching me. I can't imagine how I would relax in that chair - doing a very personal thing - with people eating hot dog on a stick passing by staring at me. Just hearing the noise of the busy mall around me would make me have a nervous breakdown! Some people even stand around and watch it like a demonstration! What is next at the center of the mall, bikini waxing? I guess there is less and less of a need for privacy or I am becoming old and uptight. Hmmm. In either case, I wish I could have taken a picture. Believe me I was tempted. I had my cell phone (with camera) with me. Even though these people seemed to need no privacy whatsoever, I thought I should still be respectful and not snap their pictures without permission. I just had to talk about this!