Wednesday, December 10, 2008

WTF?? "Christmas Song" Rant.

So I was driving down the street the other day listening to Christmas music on a local radio station. I was having a great time getting all jolly and warm. Then the most ridiculous, idiotic and ignorant song came on. "IT IS CHRISTMAS IN AMERICA". The lyrics were so dumbed down and just plain stupid I could hardly stand it. I actually only did stand the song for a little bit before exercising my "freedom to change the station". I know that is a ridiculous statement, but I just had to make it - to make fun of that phrase that is so overused by people when talking about political differences or defending an ignorant statement. I can hear them now, "That is the beauty of our country... I have the freedom or RIGHT to"...whatever dumb thing they can think of. Okay I am off topic. It just bugs me. Anyway, this song goes on to tell me how I should be grateful for my way of living....let freedom ring...all that crap in a Christmas song! A Christmas song! What is it only Christmas in America?! What happened to the rest of the believers in the world?! Are we now taking Christmas...the birth of Christ...and painting it red, white, and blue and calling it ours? All because we are so lucky to be Americans? Please. 9/11 was a monumental tragedy that we will all never forget. That I know for sure. Just as big a tragedy for me, however, are the egocentric, "we are the best", "us against the world" ignorant and divisive thinking and actions that have been practiced and embraced in this country since 9/11. What is that cliche about the truth of a man's character is how he overcomes adversity? Well, we blew it there! I wonder if Jesus knew he was dying on the cross so that one country could be grateful for being "the best country" in the world. It makes me sick and I hope that in time this type of thinking will go away. What ever happened to Joy to the World? Oh, and another thing we shouldn't forget. Jesus was born in the middle east!! Not Memphis!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Taking the time to celebrate!

The wonderful people in my life came over last weekend to celebrate that Barack Obama is our president elect! I knew there would be no better way to celebrate than with a party and with people I love. We had quite a feast! We drank blue and red cocktails. We all loved the pomegranate martinis the best! We watched Obama's victory speech again and even toasted him. Elyse brought Filet Mignon for the occasion! It is definitely a new day and I am glad I paused with loving family and friends to make sure that we didn't just let the moment pass. I am trying more and more to make sure I don't take things for granted and that I pause. I'm so glad I have intelligent, kind, tolerance, beautiful and informed people in my life!
P.S. We are still sad that Prop. 8 passed. We know it is a momentary loss, however.
That is a picture of Toni above. I love it! She came over with the celebration spirit!

Elyse enjoying a pomegranate martini.
Rebeka and Tim are such a lovely couple! So glad they joined us.

Al and the girls. Thanks for hosting our first of many political parties mom and dad!

Newell and Toni.
Leslie preparing her delicious patriotic salad!
Dinner time!

The 5th batch of pomegranate martinis!
Oh here is Leslie's salad. Yum.Look at Tamie! Isn't she beautiful? She found out days later that she is having a girl!
Abuela and Maggie enjoying the evening.Getting ready to hear Obama's brilliant victory speech.Tamie and I agreed that we should host a commentary show.
The O for Obama cheesecake.

Grrrr....McCain supporters stay away from our party or prepare to be attacked!

Thank you America for voting for my future...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Sun is Shining on America!

WAHOO!!!! I am breaking the rules of all caps and multiple exclamation points tonight!!! I am thrilled, speechless, and emotional! Thank you America! So many of us believed WE could do it! Obama will be our president! Tonight I am filled with joy because HOPE prevailed and not FEAR. Today HOPE prevailed. It is a new day. This day is so meaningful to so many people in so many ways. I can't focus enough to outline it all! I can say that I almost dropped to my knees and sobbed (I did sob standing) when I saw the images of the people from a small village in Kenya cheering and the youth of America - the future of America - cheering and crying on my television. Thank you America for not letting fear and nastiness dictate our future!


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Plant a seed of friendship; reap a bouquet of happiness...

Happiness is what describes this weekend best for me. I gave myself one of my favorite gifts...a day spent with my women friends. I am blessed to have them. I can't imagine not having my friends. It would be an incomplete life. We spent the day at Village Venture in Claremont. It is a magnificent art show that I look forward to every year. We make a day of it and nothing gets in the way of me going. We laugh until it hurts and talk honestly about everything. This year we met for breakfast and then we were onto VV as soon as it opened. All of the streets in Claremont are closed off for the event and artisans and crafters fill the streets with their creations. It was hot! I mean 100 degrees hot! We hydrated and hid in the shade when we could, but we kept going. Anna and I bought hats for yard duty at work and soon we had them out and on. I don't think I would have survived the day without it. Slowly, our entire group bought them to stay cool. Next Tamie bought one and then Heidi. Leslie felt left out and caved and bought one too. I think people thought we were a group like the Red Hat Society or something. Who needs them?! We had a fabulous time with our little group...and probably more fun too! Elyse couldn't make it this year because she was sick. We missed her. Syl couldn't fly down this year for the event either...bummer. So the five of us braved the heat and I had the best time ever. These days always remind me that no matter how busy life gets, it is essential to make time for the special women in my life. It feeds my soul. My finds this year were as follows: quilt for Maggie's big girl room, silver rose bracelet, rose cross necklace, cubic zirconia ring made by female inmates, stuffing stockers for my daughters, a fabulous sunhat, petticoats for my daughters, bookbag for Bella, and pearl earrings. I also had a yummy breakfast and lunch at two new restaurants in town. It came after a very long and hard week and I am so glad it did! I am already looking forward to next year! Happiness is the word of the weekend.

"My friends are my estate". - Emily Dickenson

My bracelet that was sized just for me! I love it. Tamie bought a cool bracelet and ring set at the same booth.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Never thought I'd say this...

Thank you Colin Powell. (No, people who know me well...I haven't lost my mind). Thank you for making an extremely valid and honest statement. I say it all of the time - and so do people I know - but we do not gain international attention. You do. The current trend of conservatism in our country is alarming and hateful. It is downright scary. So much of it comes from people who claim to have found God too. It is pure fanaticism. Peace!

P.S. I will never call you a sell out again.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Scary Palin Clip...WOW

Please click the link below to watch a scary clip of Sarah Palin being interviewed by Katie Couric. I never thought I would say this...but it can get worse than DUMBYA. It is true that if she is elected, she is one heartbeat away from being our president. UNBELIEVABLE.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

My Telenovela Happiness

So the telenovela I am currently ADDICTED to is Fuego en La Sangre (Fire in the Blood). I have been watching it now for about six months. I love Mexican Telenovelas because the experience is very much like reading a juicy novel on a warm summer night! It reminds me of when I was a pre-teen and my sister and I would spend our summers reading Harlequin Romance Novels that we bought at the thrift store for a dime. There is always an amazing main actress. In this case it is Adela Noriega - my favorite protaganista! There is always a strong and GORGEOUS leading man (hello Juan - yowza). Always a villian, or two, and tragedies and challenges along the way. And with almost all Telenovelas, their love conquers all. That is usually how it goes. I love the scenery. This novela was filmed in Puebla, Mexico. Beautiful. I love the language -so romantic. The entire cast is talented and passionate. What I love most is that it is on five days a week and it ENDS. It is not the ridiculous lifelong committment like U.S. Soap Opera watching. These last 5 - 9 months. The final episode is always epic and very much like the last chapter of a novel. When I watch a Telenovela I forget about everything else. It truly is like getting lost in a good book. I fall in love with the characters and I feel like I get to be part of their lives for a time. When the Telenovela ends, I actually feel sad that the characters are gone for good. The only thing that makes me feel better is the prospect of the beginning a new Telenovela. It is one of my simple pleasures. I am so glad that I allow them. I even added the theme song for your listening pleasure!
Sofia and Juan in "Fuego"

Friday, September 5, 2008

My Dad

Yesterday was my dad's birthday. He would have been 75. Luckily he lives in my soul so I was near him all day. I sure would have loved to grill him a ribeye though. He loved a good grilled ribeye. I stared out at my courtyard last night and was stuck by its emptiness. It is filled with plants, flowers, trees, and vines. What was missing was my dad smoking his cigarette staring out at the beautiful summer evening sky. He always stepped out in the courtyard and did that when he visited and I like to think that it is his courtyard. Sometimes I would join him and he would say, "You know mija..." He always started with that when he had a thought. He would then talk about a world issue or a fact from history or something. He was always thinking. I was sad for a moment and then immediately comforted because it was a beautiful summer evening on his birthday and the sky was glorious to look at. He would have loved it and I know he would have been there staring up at the summer sky last night if he were alive. I thought of a few of his hilarious stories throughout the day and it made me laugh too. He could be so hilarious at times. My main comfort is my dad was firm in his belief about where he was going after this life and he was ready for it so he is where he wants to be. I ended the day laughing to myself because I remember something my cousin Patricia said the day of his funeral. I was so devastated that day and she made me laugh hysterically. She said she could just hear my mom in heaven when she saw my father appear. She imagined her saying sarcastically, "Lalo, what are you doing here?? I thought you were going to give me a little more time before you came! I needed more rest." I loved that and I still do. What a fun way to end his special day.

Monday, September 1, 2008

The world is changing or I am old...

I wish I had a picture to go with this post, but I don't. I'll explain why in a minute. Is anything private anymore? I am always surprised how little privacy people need to take care of what I believe to be "personal business". A couple of years ago I was surprised when the massage people started setting up in the middle of the mall. Then came the hair straightening people to join them in the kiosk next door. It is always strange for me to see people getting groomed or the kinks in their backs knocked out as hundreds of people stroll by them in the mall and stare. In a way, I have just grown accustomed to it over the past year. I know that I can buy a cell phone cover, straighten my hair, and get a neck massage in just 10 strides if I want to. YESTERDAY WAS THE TOPPER. It seemed to happen over night, but now the teeth whitening people have arrived and they are set up in the busiest part of the center of the mall. No partitions, curtains, cubbies, nothing. They set up several dentist chairs and dentist lights and you can now get your teeth whitened with the mall traffic watching! And people actually do it! The attendents slap huge sunglasses on people, slather their teeth with some gunk, and then direct a MAJOR blue florescent light onto your teeth. I couldn't believe it. I saw people reclined in a dentist chair doing this. They stay there for more than a half an hour (I heard someone getting a consultation). I am not against teeth whitening, in fact, I have been wanting to do it. I just don't want people other than the professionals providing the service to be watching me. I can't imagine how I would relax in that chair - doing a very personal thing - with people eating hot dog on a stick passing by staring at me. Just hearing the noise of the busy mall around me would make me have a nervous breakdown! Some people even stand around and watch it like a demonstration! What is next at the center of the mall, bikini waxing? I guess there is less and less of a need for privacy or I am becoming old and uptight. Hmmm. In either case, I wish I could have taken a picture. Believe me I was tempted. I had my cell phone (with camera) with me. Even though these people seemed to need no privacy whatsoever, I thought I should still be respectful and not snap their pictures without permission. I just had to talk about this!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Felicitaciones Elyse y Martin!

My dear friend Elyse and her handsome boyfriend Martin are officially engaged. I am so happy for them. They have an oh so romantic story...the last night of her summer vacation (2007) in a small town in Spain...eyes met...talking all night...staying in touch when she returned to California...visits...more love...Wow! Now they are engaged to be married a year later. Martin is currently going through the red tape to move out here to marry Elyse. Once he is here, they will marry within 3 months! I have no doubt that it will be a beautiful event. Congratulations Elyse and Martin! I am so happy for you guys.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Hippo Birdies Two Ewes HERMANA!

Happy Birthday Syl! Today is your special day and I hope it was WONDERFUL! I wish we could be together on your special day, however, we will make up for it when we are together again. I was with you in spirit, as always. Thanks for being a great big sis and such a support to me whenever I need it (okay, that is everyday lately). I know I can always count on you to give me hope and energy! I love you for that. What would we do without our cell phones? We have so many priceless memories together and today I thought of a few to make up for not being together. I also got to spend it with my priceless nephew, your of our greatest achievements (like how I smashed myself into the formula? I know you forgive me...hehe). Here is a little list of some of the memories...

#1 I know you really are sorry for tearing my Scott Baio poster.

#2 I'm sorry I made you choke on a tortilla that one time - don't forget I was the one who beat you on the back to make you breathe!

#3 Remember when I cheered you up when you were in trouble and confined to your room? I stood in the driveway by your window and danced as you sang the "Lee-Lee-Lee" Song?

#4 Thanks for acting like you really thought I was as Nadia Comaneci. Do you remember me using that dorky Grand Canyon vinyl bag as my Olympic bag in the car and we acted like it was the Olympic van taking me to competition?

#5 Thanks for not killing Norma and I for taking your car for a "spin" when we were only supposed to pull it into the driveway.


#7 Thanks for taking me dancing to Oscos and all the other clubs. Who cares if I was only 16??

#8 Thanks for all of the laughing fits.

#9 Thanks for being a great Tia to my girls and for loving them so much (that includes working to near death to help me pull of my "vision" for their birthday parties).

#10 Thanks for letting me monopolize Andrew.

#11 How would we have survived the deaths of mom and dad so suddenly without each other? I will always remember us at dad's service arm and arm as we led the way to his internment at the cemetary, knowing that our immediate family was now just the two of us.

#12 AND...I'm sorry I did not come to your defense when you bought that super jumbo ginormous styrofoam candy cane at Newberry's instead of a box of christmas decorations. Even though I knew it was a HUGE mistake, I should have defended you!

Happy Birthday Sis! I love you! You are in your prime! HAVE FUN!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Mamma Mia...

No, this is not a critique of the movie out right now. Although, I hear everyone loves it so I have to make time to see it. It is a post about my mother. Today is her birthday. She would have been 72...still young in my opinion and it is 10 years older than her lifespan...sniff. That is a picture of her on the left taken when she was just shy of 20 years old and wasn't she a MAMA MIA! I always think of her every second of the day on her birthday and I try to honor her and bring her to life for my children, who never got to meet her. This year I chose to drive into Los Angeles - the city that always makes me feel closer to both of my parents. I first called my sister and talked on the phone with her (my mom treasured her two sisters Delia and Patty beyond belief and LOVED talking on the phone with them laughing the whole time). It was definitely the way to start the day. Besides, she always said that she wanted us to be close (especially when we fought as children) because one day we would not have her and we needed each other. After I hung up the phone, I thought that it would have brought her joy to know that we delivered on her wish. I proceeded to spend the day with my children and nephew because she always enjoyed any time she spent with her own children (my sister and I) and her nieces and nephews. This means I spent the day with all three of her grandchildren - something I have no doubt she would have loved to do. I also laughed out loud today. Anyone who knew my mom can understand that. She had the loudest laugh, and for those who love her - it is the best laugh in the world and we miss it. Although my laugh cannot hold a candle next to hers, it felt great! To cap off the day, Andrew (her one grandchild she did know and loved more than anything in the world) and I decided that it would be fitting to honor her by buying and eating a fresh strawberry pie from Marie Callenders. It was her all time favorite! Tonight we will sit around and eat that pie and think of and feel my sweet and hilarious mother (maybe as I watch the telenovela that I am currently hooked on, thanks to her exposing me to them). And if my husband makes me a cup of coffee to go with it, well then it will be perfect.

P.S. And yes, I wore big earrings today.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Thinking of Randy Pausch...

I can't seem to get my mind off of Randy Pausch...his inspiring words, zest for life, his brave battle with pancreatic cancer, and his tragic death last Friday. I first watched The Last Lecture at a Principals meeting last Spring. I was so moved and touched by his advice for living and I have found myself thinking about his wisdom (at such a young age..he was only 47) and using his advice during the ups and downs of life. My husband bought the book and he finished reading it the day before Randy's death. He too was in awe of his joy for live and his bravery. Last night we watched Dianne Sawyers's tribute to him. moving. We couldn't speak for awhile after the episode finished. Randy was so full of joy and celebrated life until the end. He didn't squander a day being sad or not showing his loved ones how he felt about them. I am keeping his three children, wife, and parents in my prayers. What a legacy he has left for his kids. I am always going to remember Randy. I hope to always remember his have the courage to "tell the truth" and "all of the time", enjoy all of my days, and not be dragged down by negativity. I am going to take his advice and teach my children that brick walls are there only to keep people who don't want it badly enough away and to accept honest criticism as love. And if my children ever want to paint their bedrooms...I will let them. Rest in peace dear Randy. The world will never forget you...

Friday, July 18, 2008

How I am feeling today...

In college I heard Maya Angelou speak live. She taught us a song and the lyrics are strong in my heart and mind today...

I shall not
I shall not be moved
I shall not
I shall not be moved
just like the tree
planted by the water
I shall not be moved...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Great places to go in Los Angeles

Los Angeles will always be home to me. It is the place I love and for so many reasons. With my sister and nephew in town, I have definitely made it a point to enjoy some of the sites and venues of Los Angeles. They love the city as much as I do. We all think it is worth making the nearly one hour pilgrimage into the city.

Last week, we went to my ABSOLUTELY FAVORITE PLACE TO GO in Los Angeles during the summer...THE HOLLYWOOD BOWL. We took the park and ride shuttle in (which I highly recommend). I did do the stacked parking earlier in the week with my hubby for the Stevie Wonder concert and we got lucky because we were the second car in line to get out of the lot. For the most part, however, I recommend the park and ride shuttles. Anyway, my sister, nephew and I listened to New Orleans Jazz (awesome) under the stars and dined on an Italian dinner and wine (well my sister and I drank the wine). There was such a great vibe at the bowl and we swapped wine and dessert with people sitting around us. It is a must do if you are anywhere near Los Angeles during the summer.

Then today we ate lunch at Maddelena's Restaurant at the SAN ANTONIO WINERY downtown! I haven't been there in years and it was just as fun as I remember! It is in the heart of an industrial area between Boyle Heights and Downtown. When you are in the restaurant, you almost forget that you are surrounded by industry. There is a selection of pretty good inexpensive wines right in the restaurant. You can just open the fridge and select a bottle or grab one from the shelves. We selected a bottle of chilled red blended wine from Spain. It was a tiny bit sweeter than we expected, but a nice surprise on a hot day. After the winery, we went to the MERCADO in East L.A. So fun! I have not been there since childhood. I had so much fun. I thought of my parents and the many times they took us there when I was a kid. I bought my daughter a very cute pair of sandals that were Hecho in Mexico. I bought dulce Mexicana too. It is such a cool place. It definitely compares to the mercados I have been to in Tijuana, Juarez and Mazatlan. It was culture shock to my nephew and he absolutely loved it. He was very amazed at the huge Virgen De Guatalupe shrine outside of the Mercado. Awesome. I definitely recommend a visit there if you are interested in a true L. A. landmark filled with locals going about their daily business. There is definitely nothing contrived there!

We ended the day by visiting our old stomping grounds in Southeast L.A. There were many "moments" for my sister and I when we were there. We thought of our simple childhoods, how much our worlds have changed, and of course of Lalo and Elena, our parents. Now...I've been aching to visit the La Brea Tarpits. I think that will be my next L.A stop this summer. It has been years since I last visited! I love L.A!

Inside Maddelena Restaurant at San Antonio Winery I love this sign! It is at the Mercado.

This is in front of the huge shrine in the parking lot of the Mercado.
At the shrine.
Sandalias!!This is a picture of the old Newberry store in Bell from the good ole days. It is the sight of the famous candy cane story involving my sister (inside joke)!

Our childhood home in Bell. There are still a couple of rose bushes in front of the house on the right that my father planted...sniff.

Hollywood Bowl!

We had so much fun at the Bowl...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Fun wines for the summer...

I am so over only having California wines with strict wine labels that are 85% Cabernet or 80% pinot noir (although I will never be over going to Napa). I still love them for specific reasons, however, I have been having a great time experiencing some inexpensive, but delicious and drinkable blended wines from other parts of the world. I am loving some of the dry roses out there, bordeaux wines, and white riojas. I can't believe what great spanish and french wines I can get that are under $15! The best part is that I can afford to experiement with them a bit without breaking the bank. And if I don't like them, I am not crying because I spent a ton on them! This past year, I have definitely become a fan of the blended wine. I find it ridiculous to burn your mouth off with Mexican Food and Cabernet Sauvignon. Why not enjoy a nice Rose instead? The new Trader Joe's in my area, with a larger wine section than most, has a great variety to choose from. It is going to make my summer more enjoyable than ever. I have posted a couple of pictures of some of my recent purchases and I plan to add a widget on the right hand column to list some of my favorite finds. Happy wine drinking!

This is a nice bordeaux. It is light and has some nice fruit flavors in it. I am calling it my summer red. I even like to chill it for about 20 minutes before drinking it. It is great with a summer grill!

I enjoyed this bordeaux too. It think it is about $8 a bottle! Nice fruit too.

I haven't tried this Rioja Rose yet. It is a Spanish wine. I have tried the white version of this and love it. I am usually not a white wine drinker either. I guess it must be because I was trying all of those oaky california chardonnays. Haha! It is definitely a white wine of choice this summer. My sister and I enjoyed it on the patio last night with cheese and crackers. We'll see how I like the Rose. We are taking it to the Hollywood Bowl tonight!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

It's Official...

...I have a middle name! It is Elena, my mother's name. I have always wanted a middle name - always. I love names! It is the first thing I ask new parents about their newborn children. I want to know the first, middle, and last name of every baby or child I see. I always ask people to tell me their full names. I like to hear stories of why people have certain names. You know, the story behind it. I had so much fun naming my girls. I like naming my pets - always have. I even like helping my daughters choose names for their dolls and stuffed toys. I even named my car! That will have to be under another post. Anyway, then it hit me about a year ago. I can have the perfect middle name for me. Why didn't I think of it before? I LOVE my mom's name...Elena. I really do. Why couldn't it be my middle name? Lisa Elena. I love it! I mean here I was all of these years, a person who loves names, with one simple first name...Lisa. I don't even have a fancy story to go along with it. My mom simply named me that because she was sure I would be a boy named Gilbert. She had no girls name picked out. Well, along I came and she had no name for me. So there I rested in my incubator for five days without a name. Then she decided on Lisa because it was a popular name for the time and she liked it better than Linda or Deborah I guess. That is it. She didn't believe in middle names so I didn't get one of those (neither did my sister Sylvia). Just Lisa. So I finally put it on my first official documents this evening. My teaching and administrative credentials. I had to renew them and I wrote in Elena in the middle name section. That is it! It is official and I am so elated about it. I can't wait until the hard copy arrives so I can stare at it and love it. I will forever write in Elena as my middle name or E as my middle initial. I am Lisa Elena. mom did give me a middle name after all...

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Not so fun surprise...

So I had to have an emergency root canal on Thursday afternoon. That is definitely not my idea of a fun way to spend a summer afternoon. I thought I was only going to see a specialist on a consultation and voila! Root Canal! It was for one of the teeth involved in the infamous motor scooter accident in 1987 that will remain a part of my life forever. The dentist said I definitely have a problem going on in there. This is before I explained that I was in an accident, crushed my jaw, had five teeth re-implanted the night of the accident, the original surgeon said I would only have 5-8 years with them, they've lasted 21 years, can't lose them because there is not enough bone to hold implants, dentures, bridges, etc. After I told him all that, he said, "Hmmm....I guess they are doing well". Anyway, I had the root canal because there is a severe change in one of the teeth and I may be losing it. This guy invented a special kind of root canal that can freeze that process. I have my fingers and everything else crossed because he agreed that there are still not good alternatives for me. He was shocked that I wasn't fainting from pain with the infection he could see in the x-ray. That is before I told him I had no feeling in the teeth and lower jaw because of the accident. Of course, that makes the whole thing trickier because I cannot actually feel when there is a problem. Thankfully, my awesome regular dentist monitors these five teeth carefully when I go in for cleanings. She always X-Rays them. She is the one who saw the changes in the tooth and referred me. Thank God for smart people! Anyway, I let myself have a pity party for a brief moment and then thought about Alan, who did not survive the accident at all. He has been on my mind since. The tooth feels fine now. My jaw is sore from all of the shots. Onward.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I love you dad...

My father is so alive in my heart and brain everyday that it is scary. I missed him yesterday for Father's Day and the feelings rolled over into today. Today is one of those days when I really needed his concise, but truly insightful advice. He just had a way of summing up his thoughts in one or two sentences. It seemed to always hit the mark. I miss that so much. Since he never held back his opinions, I can usually figure out what his feelings would be on most of my current situations. Even though there was a time when I felt cursed because of my parents constant need to communicate their opinions of my actions and offer unsolicited advice, I actually feel quite lucky now that they did this. I am lucky because I hear their voices in my head about most everything and can still seek and follow their guidance. In other words, I often find myself receiving their advice even in their absence. I've been thinking about all of the advice my father gave me over the years, especially the last 5 of his life. I have also been thinking about his one line advice that never changed over the years. Things like...

"You can always tell the biggest dummy in the room because they are the ones talking the most."

"Everyone can't like you."

"Tell them to go to hell."

"Do what makes you happy."

"No one respects a liar. Even if it is bad news, tell the truth."

"Don't giggle. If it is funny, laugh. People think gigglers are dumb."

"You better not bring a loser into this house."

"Don't take us back 5 generations."


"Know your place. Don't be tut-tut."

I lit his candle to honor him yesterday and to remind myself of his everlasting presence in my life. Thank you Lalo for being the voice in my head and for giving me a strong heart. I know that you never wanted me to be a "tonta" and I hope I am delivering on that.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

An Introduction

Welcome to my new personal blog. I recently ventured out into blog world and started a family blog that focuses mostly on my two spectacular daughters. I've decided to have my own blog that is separate from that blog...a place to discuss my thoughts and opinions. I really enjoy my new blogging hobby! Mi Riconcito means "My Little Corner" in English. That is just what the focus of this blog will be. A little area where I can speak freely and journal. I have always enjoyed journaling, so why not do it in this current technological format? I am going to keep an open format for now and see where it takes me. The current stage I am in is to seek happiness and peace despite everything that comes my way. I also want to take nothing for granted - especially my loving friends and family that I treasure beyond belief. I hope that will shine through. I know that there are very small, simple, and silly things that make me happy and then decisions I make on a larger scale that maintain peace, contentment and fulfillment. I have always heard and stated the cliche that "Life is short and we only go through once." As of late, that statement has come alive to me in a HUGE way and knocked me over. It has been a long time coming. Thanks for checking in...