So I was driving down the street the other day listening to Christmas music on a local radio station. I was having a great time getting all jolly and warm. Then the most ridiculous, idiotic and ignorant song came on. "IT IS CHRISTMAS IN AMERICA". The lyrics were so dumbed down and just plain stupid I could hardly stand it. I actually only did stand the song for a little bit before exercising my "freedom to change the station". I know that is a ridiculous statement, but I just had to make it - to make fun of that phrase that is so overused by people when talking about political differences or defending an ignorant statement. I can hear them now, "That is the beauty of our country... I have the freedom or RIGHT to"...whatever dumb thing they can think of. Okay I am off topic. It just bugs me. Anyway, this song goes on to tell me how I should be grateful for my way of living....let freedom ring...all that crap in a Christmas song! A Christmas song! What is it only Christmas in America?! What happened to the rest of the believers in the world?! Are we now taking Christmas...the birth of Christ...and painting it red, white, and blue and calling it ours? All because we are so lucky to be Americans? Please. 9/11 was a monumental tragedy that we will all never forget. That I know for sure. Just as big a tragedy for me, however, are the egocentric, "we are the best", "us against the world" ignorant and
divisive thinking and actions that have been practiced and embraced in this country since 9/11. What is that cliche about the truth of a man's character is how he overcomes adversity? Well, we blew it there! I wonder if Jesus knew he was dying on the cross so that one country could be grateful for being "the best country" in the world. It makes me sick and I hope that in time this type of thinking will go away. What ever happened to Joy to the World? Oh, and another thing we shouldn't forget. Jesus was born in the middle east!! Not Memphis!