Saturday, June 21, 2008

Not so fun surprise...

So I had to have an emergency root canal on Thursday afternoon. That is definitely not my idea of a fun way to spend a summer afternoon. I thought I was only going to see a specialist on a consultation and voila! Root Canal! It was for one of the teeth involved in the infamous motor scooter accident in 1987 that will remain a part of my life forever. The dentist said I definitely have a problem going on in there. This is before I explained that I was in an accident, crushed my jaw, had five teeth re-implanted the night of the accident, the original surgeon said I would only have 5-8 years with them, they've lasted 21 years, can't lose them because there is not enough bone to hold implants, dentures, bridges, etc. After I told him all that, he said, "Hmmm....I guess they are doing well". Anyway, I had the root canal because there is a severe change in one of the teeth and I may be losing it. This guy invented a special kind of root canal that can freeze that process. I have my fingers and everything else crossed because he agreed that there are still not good alternatives for me. He was shocked that I wasn't fainting from pain with the infection he could see in the x-ray. That is before I told him I had no feeling in the teeth and lower jaw because of the accident. Of course, that makes the whole thing trickier because I cannot actually feel when there is a problem. Thankfully, my awesome regular dentist monitors these five teeth carefully when I go in for cleanings. She always X-Rays them. She is the one who saw the changes in the tooth and referred me. Thank God for smart people! Anyway, I let myself have a pity party for a brief moment and then thought about Alan, who did not survive the accident at all. He has been on my mind since. The tooth feels fine now. My jaw is sore from all of the shots. Onward.


Sylvia Raigosa said...

I know the perfect cure for your teeth; Vodka Martinis! We can hit the Yard House and try each one of their Martinis listed on their Martini menu (aren't there something like 100 different Martini flavors) and that will cure any soreness you may experience along the way. Just like when we were kids and we had to try all 31 flavors at Baskin Robbins. I think this is a fabulous idea! What do you think Sis? I love ya!!

Elena's Girl said...

I think it is a great idea! How could I forget that vodka cures everything - at least for the moment!

Sylvia Raigosa said...

Plus, there isn't any odor to vodka... such a wonderful drink vodka is. When Andrew drives me nuts (which is most of the time)I have a sip of vodka and WAA LAA, no more 17 year old trials! It really is a great cureall for all ailments and emotional crap. Vodka; the new Prozac!