Sunday, October 26, 2008

Plant a seed of friendship; reap a bouquet of happiness...

Happiness is what describes this weekend best for me. I gave myself one of my favorite gifts...a day spent with my women friends. I am blessed to have them. I can't imagine not having my friends. It would be an incomplete life. We spent the day at Village Venture in Claremont. It is a magnificent art show that I look forward to every year. We make a day of it and nothing gets in the way of me going. We laugh until it hurts and talk honestly about everything. This year we met for breakfast and then we were onto VV as soon as it opened. All of the streets in Claremont are closed off for the event and artisans and crafters fill the streets with their creations. It was hot! I mean 100 degrees hot! We hydrated and hid in the shade when we could, but we kept going. Anna and I bought hats for yard duty at work and soon we had them out and on. I don't think I would have survived the day without it. Slowly, our entire group bought them to stay cool. Next Tamie bought one and then Heidi. Leslie felt left out and caved and bought one too. I think people thought we were a group like the Red Hat Society or something. Who needs them?! We had a fabulous time with our little group...and probably more fun too! Elyse couldn't make it this year because she was sick. We missed her. Syl couldn't fly down this year for the event either...bummer. So the five of us braved the heat and I had the best time ever. These days always remind me that no matter how busy life gets, it is essential to make time for the special women in my life. It feeds my soul. My finds this year were as follows: quilt for Maggie's big girl room, silver rose bracelet, rose cross necklace, cubic zirconia ring made by female inmates, stuffing stockers for my daughters, a fabulous sunhat, petticoats for my daughters, bookbag for Bella, and pearl earrings. I also had a yummy breakfast and lunch at two new restaurants in town. It came after a very long and hard week and I am so glad it did! I am already looking forward to next year! Happiness is the word of the weekend.

"My friends are my estate". - Emily Dickenson

My bracelet that was sized just for me! I love it. Tamie bought a cool bracelet and ring set at the same booth.


Sylvia Raigosa said...

I WANT A HAT!!! Oh my goodness, what a wonderful post! I dreaded missing this years VV, but with Andrew's Homecoming and his ACT Exam, there was no way I could have made it but I thought of all of you on Saturday wishing I was there. Thank you for sharing your day. So very true, there is nothing like good friends Sis...Mom was wrong (was that thunder I heard!) THERE IS SUCH A THING AS TRUE FRIENDS! It has taken me a long time to realize that, but friends are gifts in our lives.

Tia Patty said...

Great hats. The bracelet is gorgeous It's great to know that you do take time for good friends and yourself. Some of us never learn how to "just do it".