Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Things to do list for 2009...

1. Build up my immune system!

2. Enjoy every moment with my precious daughters and bring magic into their lives with the knowledge that they will be this small only once and it will pass quickly.

3. Live "full out".

4. Maintain a happy spirit and keep vampires (mean unhappy people) at arms distance.

5. Use the sewing skill that my mom taught me to make clothing for my children - it will save money and keep a family tradition going.

6. Clean out the garage once and for all.

7. Nurture the relationships (friends and family) that matter to me.

8. Read more professional books on education.

9. Be present in the moment.

10. Save money.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Barack Obama is my President!

I am so happy to say it now that it is official. Obama is my president! I am proud, hopeful and elated. I just finished watching the inauguration here at work. I watched it with a classroom of students. His speech was phenomenal. I am inspired beyond words to be a better person and do my part. That is really what defines a great leader to me. It is a person who can inspire and lead others into something better...a collective effort. A person who realizes that he cannot do it alone and must lead the masses into change - and make every man and woman responsible for the change - is my new president! Hallelujah! YES WE CAN! YES WE DID!

P.S. Do metaphors speak to you? (Cheney in a wheelchair due to a pulled muscle)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Under 10 days!

Do you realize that we only have nine days left of Dumbya? We are down to one digit. I honestly never thought we would see the day some days...especially the day we all found out he got a second term. I am still glowing about what the citizens of American have done. We are on to a new day. It will be a difficult climb out of the hole that was created during the last eight years. Times are sure tough. We are going in the right - or should I say correct - direction, however. We can do it. Sometimes I still let myself think of what the alternative could have been. Oh so scary. I can't wait until President Obama's inauguration! It is real and going to happen! Oh happy day.